Our History

Since the festival was founded in 1975, the Rochester and North Kent Music and Drama Festival, formerly known as the Medway Festival of Music, Speech and Drama has provided an annual showcase for amateur talent from across the Medway area and further afield. The Festival features a wide variety of performance styles in music, speech, and drama, with classes to suit all age groups and levels of ability.


Entrants to the competition will receive sound advice on their performances from professional adjudicators, who have been trained for this task in accordance with the standards set by the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance, and Speech.


The adjudicators will provide a written adjudication of each performance, which will supply competitors with a valuable record of suggestions. Adverse comments will never be publicly made.

Competitors will be able to meet and enjoy the performances of others in their class or in different classes, as well as bringing along their family and friends to support them.

“RNKMD provides an annual showcase for amateur talent from across the Medway”

RNKMD, 2022